Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Chili Cheese Hashbrowns + RV = Bad Times

After leaving the wafflehouse, all eyes were on me to see whether or not I would break the RV code and pull a 'two-sie.'

Well, I did not violate the code of the RV, but I am being brought up charges by the UN for bio-chemical war crimes. The Chili Cheese hashbrowns mixed with the already volatile contents of my stomach and have been producing a steady of noxious gas so vile even I have been reduced to gaging. It's bad. Very Very Very Very Bad.


In non gas related updates, the first-ever "RV Beer Club" was called to order sometime around 1PM. Sadly I could not participate as I was driving the RV at the time, but I believe Brett managed more beer on the floor of the RV than in his belly (can you name the GnR tune in the background).

My beard is no more. I will post pictures later, but people say I look like one of the 3 musketeers. I'm guess it's more "Cubby" than "Annette" (look it up).

I'm going to keep this update short, since CT and Bos just arrived. Everyone is now here, and the party is about to get going. Well, it's about to get going for them - we've been partying for the past 2 days. Those dudes need to catch up!

1 comment:

  1. that guns n f'n roses song is most definitely civil war - mike
